Posts Tagged ‘john herndon’

Life n Stuff n even more stuff

August, 2016: Frame Switch, a movie I con-starred in, is going to the Berlin Film Festival…Drew Thomas up for Best New Director, and Best Editor; Writer John Herndon up for Best Screenplay…An Honor, to be sure, for them and the whole Frame Switch Gang! Paulo Biscia Filho is busy editing the final cut on Virgin […]

Cinemawasteland, 2013

Just returned from Cleveland, and Ken Kish’s Cinemawasteland Movie Expo. Man, o man, what a great time. I was one of several “celebrity guests”…and to my surprise, Ken and 42nd St. Pete (Pete Chiarella) put on a surprise tribute interview and retro of me and my work. It was all filmed for u-tube, and should […]


Had one of those great “Show Biz” lunches today at Kerby Lane South with Director Drew Thomas, Screenwriter John Herndon, and Casting Director/Actress Deanna Brochin…we are prepping “I-35” a break-out thriller penned by Herndon. Director Thomas plans to shoot the film in a new and unusual visual style, using mostly dashboard cams, i-phones, video, drone […]

Slack…a decieving mindset.

Am alll jazzed that it looks like Buddies Drew Thomas and John Herndon are close to rolling camera on their new film, working title “Frame Switch .” Drew has a totally new and unique approach to how various cameras manage to “catch” and “capture” different realities …it’s a gripping tale, as “now” as tomorrow morning…can’t […]

Absence of bugs!

I have accepted a gig reading for John Herndon’s Literary Coffee House, Monday night. (Feb. 28)…and the Coffee House, I have found out, takes place at Austin Java, on South Lamar. Said Java joint is in what used to be Austin Terminex, the primo BUG ERADICATOR in the Horned City for thirty years. Terminex had […]